Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Deutsch to English

Deutsch to English launched last week as my first investment. While I am fascinated by many of the Web 2.0 sites, I am generally skeptical as their product is free to the user and advertising is expected to generate enough revenue to cover costs. At some point, there will not be enough ad dollars to support every new site. As such, I'm keen to find more concepts similar to Deutsch to English, which takes some Web 2.0 ideas (in this case the infrastructure) and applies them to a service which should generate revenues from customers instead of advertisers.

The idea behind Deutsch to English is simple - every day thousands of tourists come to the United States. Many of them speak limited to no English, and are therefore at the mercy of those around them. Through Deutsch to English, these tourists are provided with a phone number they can call and instantly speak with an interpretor. This then enables the traveler to pass the phone back and forth with whomever they are trying to communicate, and the interpretor translating making conversation possible. If you want to give it a try, you can reach an interpretor at
1-888-693-8437 ext. 02537286. Currently, only German / English translation is supported, other languages may be added in the future.