Monday, September 17, 2007


In an attempt to bring my experiences and knowledge into an area I find interesting/stimulating, I'm starting this blog to document my foray into the entrepreneurial arena. I have (some) experience analyzing businesses, and am going to start my adventure into quasi-VC through prosper.

Now, I know what you are going to say - It's not true venture capital because it's not a true equity investment. The investments is small and for a fixed period of time. The upside is limited. Well, to that I have two responses 1) you have to start somewhere, and while the investments are small, so is my current budget 2) the debt portion of the capital structure is just as important as the equity portion. After all, through debt leverage is achieved, and leverage is a means to enhance returns for equity investors, or small business owners. So, that's how I'm justifying my means at the moment - hopefully I'll be able to evolve this over time.

Now for the method: prosper offers a variety of lending opportunities which I would ultimately group into one of two categories. First, there are individuals seeking to consolidate debt or seeking a personal loan. Second, there are individuals seeking loans to start or grow a personal enterprise. While the first is a much needed service, especially when considering the mountain of debt most Americans have. However, it is not in the entrepreneurial spirit of my goal here. As such, I will be focusing on the later category. As for which businesses - I suppose only time will tell.

Lastly, a few more random thoughts as I embark. I will use links that generate referral fees throughout my posts - I'm sorry, but it's a way of increasing my return, and that's what I'm trying to do. Also, I'm doing this purely on the side and on my own. If posts are infrequent, I have other things I must prioritize, so I apologize in advanced. Also, this in no way represents views of my employer (past/present/future), and should in no way be construed as advice/recommendations/encouragement for you to invest in a similar fashion. In conclusion, please join me on this venture, and feel free to use the comment section to post responses to anything I say/do.

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